Harvesting Love and Legacy: Chef Leah’s Mission of Farm-to-Table, Sustainable, Heartfelt Food
Farm-to-table is all the rage these days, with trendy restaurants everywhere diving into the healthy food scene. Some do it through local farm partnerships, others grow their own veggies and herbs out back, but Chef Leah takes it even further, making it her mission to close the loop from farm to table, back to regrowth and sustainability.
The Garden is Always Greener Where You Water it…Kaitlin Mitchell of Rutabaga Gardening Tells Us Why
Kaitlin Mitchell, founder of Rutabaga Gardening, is dedicated to education and community. Rutabaga is more than just gardening—it’s about fostering environmental stewardship and holistic well-being. She hopes to bring families closer and wants to encourage a deeper connection with the natural world.
From Abandoned to Advocate: The Inspiring Journey of a California German Shepherd Raising Awareness for Animal Rescues
Argon, the German Shepherd recently made headlines when he was found by hikers in Malibu Canyon with zip ties around his mouth and neck. Argon has not only found a second chance at life, but has also become a powerful symbol of the importance of animal rescues. We sat down with Maria Dales, founder of German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County, his angel rescuer, and learned more about his story and the countless others and how you can help rescues continue to help save lives.